FibroidsFibroids are non-cancerous or benign muscular growths that develop in the uterus. As many as 20 to 50 percent of women have one or more of these tumors, which range in size from as small as an apple seed or as big as a grapefruit and in some unusual cases they can become very large. Most women with fibroids have no symptoms and don't need treatment. But if symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention.

Not Cyst !!!
A fibroid is a tumor of muscles in the uterus. Another name for them is myoma or leiomyoma. Fibroids are almost always benign, meaning that they are non-cancerous.
Fibroids and cysts are two different kinds of masses; however, both are benign and often cause no symptoms. A cyst is a fluid-filled sac. It is not solid.
Homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids proved to be very efficient and in many cases may be the only treatment you will ever need to get healthy again.

Homeo medicine for fibroid

Homeopathic treatment of uterine fibroids can be very effective and is highly recommended. Most of the time the success rate is very high when treated early while the fibroids are of small to medium size.

Homeopathic remedies in general have no known side effects whatsoever. They are recommended for all age groups and can be taken for long durations without the fear of any harmful side effects.

Fibroids :: Signs and Symptoms

Fibroids are non-cancerous or benign growths that develop in the uterus. As many as 30 percent of women have one or more of these tumors, which range in size from as small as a pea to as large as a melon.

Most women with fibroids have no symptoms and don't need treatment. But if symptoms occur, you should seek medical attention.

Types of fibroids

Fibroids can grow in different parts of the uterus the pear-shaped organ located between the bladder and rectum.

The uterine walls are composed of muscle, allowing it to expand enormously during pregnancy. Within the uterus is a central cavity in which the fetus develops.

What are Fibroids ?

Fibroids are round muscle growths that develop within a woman's uterus, also known as the womb, which is a pear-shaped organ located between the bladder and rectum.

Fibroids are almost always benign, meaning that they are non-cancerous. Fibroids vary in size, ranging from as small as a pea to as large as a melon. They are also called leiomyomas or myomas.