Why homeopathy

Homeopathy is a therapeutic method that uses natural substances to relieve symptoms. It derives from the Greek words homeo, meaning "similar", and pathos, meaning "suffering" (such as the pathology of a disease).

Homeopathy operates on a "like cures like" principle that has been used empirically for more than 200 years and continues to be confirmed in pharmacological research and clinical studies.

Homeopathy :: Advantages

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine developed by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician in the early 1800s.

He discovered that the same substance that could cause a reaction in a healthy person could also be a remedy for someone suffering from similar symptoms. That is the basic premise of homeopathy: “like cures like.” It may seem hard to believe, yet the approach to vaccination used in Western medicine is a similar one, albeit one that is fraught with potential side effects, unlike homeopathy which is completely safe.


Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck. A goiter can be caused by a variety of factors and conditions, and treatment ranges from watchful waiting (no treatment) to surgery.

The thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxine (also called T4) and triiodothyronine (also called T3). (Most of the T4 is changed to T3 outside of the thyroid.) These hormones play a role in certain bodily functions, including body temperature, mood and excitability, pulse rate, digestion and others

India :: The world's diabetes capital

Diabetes, a global public health problem, is now emerging as a pandemic and by the year 2025, three-quarters of the world’s 300 million adults with diabetes will be in non-industrialized countries and almost a third in India and China alone.

Diabetes has become an epidemic having a huge impact on people of all age groups. No matter how much awareness is created about the disease, it is still lesser in comparison to the complications it gives rise to.

New hope for type 2 diabetes patients ?

Type 2 diabetes affects an estimated 28 million Americans according to the American Diabetes Association, but medications now available only treat symptoms, not the root cause of the disease.

New research from Rutgers shows promising evidence that a modified form of a different drug -- now used to eliminate intestinal parasites -- may hold the key to battling the disease at its source

For you, for me :: homeopathy for moms and kids

Understanding health and understanding people from a homeopathic perspective really helps us to make sense of not only our illnesses but the health and development of our children.

Although many homeopathic medicines are prepared from plants and other substances which are poisonous in their raw form, by the time they have been prepared as medicines for sale or prescription they are completely non-toxic and they be given safely to breastfeeding mums as well as to children, from the first day of life onwards